Women’s Oneness Wellbeing (WOW)’s aim to develop and support women, empowering them to regain their own health and self-esteem using various holistic tools including: yoga, meditation, mindfulness, dance, drama and improvisation and by addressing each woman as an individual and assessing the whole spectrum of her needs. We aim to work with the ‘whole person’ towards her well-being.
WOW is suitable for women of all backgrounds. Especially vulnerable young women, women with disabilities, refugees, immigrants, women who have experienced trauma, trans women and those over the age of 65.
Aims and objectives
1. Using yoga, meditation and healing techniques: energy healing, chi gong, sound healing we will increase openness and personal power.
2. Decrease the effects of their existing medical problems (e.g obesity and other eating disorders, insomnia and other co- extrem conditions) on their psychological health enabling them to manage their life more adequately. Break through feelings of isolation by encouraging enjoyable interaction during physical exercise regimes.
3. Support with developing a better understanding of dormant inner strength and skills, we will increase their self-help skills which engage and interact positively towards the outer world to help them feel secure and harmonious.
4. Increasing knowledge through information exchange. This is vital for peer interaction and best achieved through a shared and relaxed informal exchange through discussion.
5. By improving social networks and exploring what day to day support is really needed we can find ways to meet these needs by networking with other community resources.